Accessibel Accessibel


Unlike an entry or exit, a crossroad is a decision point where a track branches. They are often alternative routes to the same destination, and one will be more accessible than the other.

Check alternatives

This is time intensive, and will require doubling back, but if there’s two track options, both need to be considered. Or perhaps there’s an alternative entry/ exit?

Highlight other tracks

Many crossroads signal the start of alternative tracks. If it’s a completely separate track, capture the signage and profile only if on your track list.

Potential wrong ways

Often tracks can become vague and unclear. Capture this point of indecision as a crossroads.

What to look out for

After investigating both tracks, document the pros and cons of each option.

If the crossroads represents the start of another track, document the name of that track. This will be treated as a separate experience.

Both tracks reconnect. The lower track is wider and smoother.

Both tracks reconnect. The lower track is wider and smoother.

Crossroads at beginning of track. Take the right track towards the sign.

Crossroads at beginning of track. Take the right track towards the sign.

Well sign-posted crossroads. Continue or return to street.

Well sign-posted crossroads. Continue or return to street.