Accessibel Accessibel

Embeddable Maps

Embed links can be shared with partners to supplement their track information.

Why an embed?

Supplementing existing track information

Every City, District and Regional Council provides information on the parks, reserves and walkways that they maintain on their website. More often than not, this track information pages don't offer enough information to answer your accessibility questions.

An embed is a very simple way to include content rich information on their page.

The link below is a sample map embed.


Click to view the interactive map

When embedded on a partner's website, it will appear as an interactive version of the image below.

Sample static image of a Accessibel Map Embed

Sample static image of a Accessibel Map Embed

Viewers can click on a point to review images and information. A satellite view of the map offers more contextual detail.

Sharing it with a partner for feedback

The other functional aspect of an embed link, is that you can directly share a specific track with a client, park ranger or other interested party before it goes live. This allows us to gather feedback without having to invite them into the Moderation tool. Using the link, they can perform a digital tour of the experience and check to see if any key areas have been overlooked, or require more clarity.

Creating an embed link

Embed links are generated in the Moderation and Monitoring tool. To share a link, click on the small share link icon in the track list panel. Clicking on this will pop-up the embed link, which can be then copied and shared.

Click the share link (highlighted in orange), and copy the embed link

Click the share link (highlighted in orange), and copy the embed link

Embedding a map into a web page

Embedding a map into an external webpage can be achieved by using an iFrame. You can set the map's width based on the column width of your page. You would also update the URL with the track ID. In the code below the track ID is '95', which is the Glendu Bay walkway in Wanaka.

<iframe width="1000" height="500" 
frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"> 