Accessibel Accessibel


The car park is often the first area you will encounter. Safety is the primary consideration both for yourself and the end-user. Spend time observing the movements of people and cars. Are there risks?

Road-side or off-road?

Review the location of the car park. Roadside parking presents a number of safety concerns. Is the off-road parking purpose designed? How busy is it?

Is there room to move?

Whether you have a wheelchair or pram, you need space to manuevre. Is there a designated carpark to do this? Is it easy to identify? Is it wide enough?

Proximity to entrance

Are you able to safely access the track or other facilities without needing to cross the carpark and navigate other cars?

What to look out for

Number of accessible carparks
Is it easy to identify accessible carparks?
Are they close to an entry or exit point?
Often there isn't a designated car parking area, what are the other options?

Carpark size and location
Is it large and busy?
Or near a road side?

Take note of the surface gravel, paved, tar-seal etc. A wide accessible park directly next to an entry/exit point.

A wide accessible park directly next to an entry/exit point.

No accessible parking, but plenty of space provided.

No accessible parking, but plenty of space provided.

Parking off side of road, gravel surface no protection from road traffic.

Parking off side of road, gravel surface no protection from road traffic.